Astrology Readings

Find insights, answers, and guidance

Astrology can help you to find clarity on your path. Receive insight and answers to questions around your natural talents, love, career, relationships, self-expression, behavior patterns and habits, life cycles, finances, and manifesting a life that integrated and balanced. The lens of astrology helps to provide understanding and self-acceptance to help you heal, grow, and flourish.

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Astrology Readings Provided by:

Which type of reading resonates with you?


Natal Chart Reading

60 - 90 minutes

Receive insight and answers to questions about your natural talents, love, career, self-expression, behavior patterns and habits, life cycles, finances, and manifesting a life that is integrated and balanced. The lens of astrology helps to provide understanding and self-acceptance to help you heal, grow, and flourish. For this session provide the date, time, and location of your birth.

Solar Return Reading

60 - 90 minutes

Every year on your birthday you get a new astrological landscape that influences your next revolution around the sun. In this reading we talk about the energy, possibilities, opportunities to learn and heal, and challenges of the year - from one birthday to the next. Learn to live your life in a harmonious flow with the universe and understand how some years might be more challenging than others and how some have specific themes: Some are focused on your career, others more on your love life, etc. We suggest this reading annually near your birthday to center yourself and open your heart for the new cycle of your journey. This reading makes a wonderful birthday gift. For this session provide the date, time, and location of your birth.

Relationship Reading

60 - 90 minutes

This reading includes the study of two people’s Natal Charts to understand how one person’s energy interacts with the another’s. It highlights attraction; affinity; long-term compatibility; common and conflicting perspectives and attitudes; relationship expectations; communication styles; potential challenges; love languages, and perspectives on how both partners can learn from and nurture the relationship. This reading provides valuable insight into the energy between two individuals and how they can work towards increased harmony - it doesn’t predict whether a relationship will succeed or fail which depends on each partner’s commitment. For this session provide the date, time, and location of each partner’s birth.

Parent & Child Connection Reading

60 - 90 minutes

Being a parent is challenging, and astrology can help! By studying a child’s astrology chart, we instantly attune to how we can best guide her/him/them. The child’s strengths, weaknesses, aptitudes, and potentials are clear - from the reading we can see how to turn negative momentum around and maximize talents that may not be apparent. Parental understanding leads to greater patience and confidence in child-rearing. Raising a child is not a one-size-fits-all paradigm; instead, tuning into your child’s unique needs and gifts allows that child to flourish and grow into the person they were born to become. This reading is for one parent and one child. Provide the date, time, and location of each person’s birth.

Send your information at least 24 hours prior to your appointment.

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Astrology Services Pricing

Wellness Packages and Massage/Reiki packages can be used for astrology sessions.

60-minute reading, $95

90-minute reading, $125

Three 60-minute readings, $265

Three 90-minute readings, $355