The Moon Salutation

The Moon Salutation, known in Sanskrit as Chandra Namaskar, is a series of flowing asanas coordinated with your breath. In contrast to Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar), which build heat, Moon Salutations foster cooling. The cooling and grounding effects of Moon Salutations provide balance when energy or temperature is high. Like Sun Salutations, they stretch and strengthen all the major muscle groups, increase circulation, calm a busy mind, and release physical and mental tension. They are easier on wrists and shoulders because there are no Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog), Chaturanga Dandasana (High-to-Low Plank), or Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward-Facing Dog) poses.


While Sun Salutations, with their energetic effect, fit best into a morning practice, Moon Salutations practiced in the evening offer a cooling and calming way to end the day.


The sequence of asanas moves in a circular pattern, like the full moon. It begins on the left side of the body, which is the feminine or Yin side, and flows back to the starting position by reversing the order of the asanas on the right, the masculine or Yang side. The sequence brings a meditative state of mind that relaxes the mind and body, reduces stress, and soothes the nervous system.


The lunar energy of Moon Salutations is powerful, divine feminine energy: wisdom, intuition, birth, death, and a spiritual connection.


Bringing focus to lunar energy supports the body and mind by tapping into a calmer, more relaxed, and creative state of being. Moon Salutations are perfect after a busy day, when you are mentally or emotionally stressed, or any time you need to unwind.


Moon Salutations are helpful to practice during the full moon, new moon, or waning moon. These are times when the body's energy is said to naturally be lower.


Try the flow three-to-five times. Move slowly and calmly. Invite the attention inward, and flow into your creativity while restoring balance and peace throughout your body and mind. 


experience the light of the moon in a Full Moon Release Ceremony or New Moon Intention Ceremony

learn more in a magical moon workshop

Grace Panian

Grace fell in love with her personal practice in 2016. She is no stranger to the mental, physical, and spiritual healing power of yoga. As her personal practice began to deepen, she was inspired to complete a yoga teacher training. Grace received her RTY-200 credentials in Rishikesh, India in May 2018. She is passionate about the philosophy surrounding the ancient practice. Grace constantly dives into books and continuing- education trainings to learn more about the practice. She encourages students to come out of the mind and into the body. Her goal is to have students walking out of class more grounded, calm, and connected to their true self. To Grace, yoga is literally a way of living, bringing more awareness to the body, mind, and perception.