Winter Is a Masterpeace
/The quiet of the season
as snow white settles in,
a canvas for the heart and mind -
where should I begin
The quiet of the season
as snow white settles in,
a canvas for the heart and mind -
where should I begin
This thought plagues me in a time of impersonality. We sit in offices in our private homes, alone or on endless Zoom meetings that I overhear from my home’s lower level when my children or friends stay over. Oh, yes, they see faces. The sharing, though, is all business…
Read MoreEven though I haven’t seen him myself, this giant bear has definitely made his presence known, and I’ve wondered if he might have a message to convey. I have both meditated on this and researched the meanings and mythology of bears in different cultural traditions. Whether you believe this mysterious bear is a messenger or just a beast roaming the woods looking for food, the ideas brought forward are interesting and worth considering.
Read MoreWhen the hammer fell, or more accurately the surgeon’s scalpel, and a non-life-threatening complication ensued along with an extended rest at-home, legs-elevated time, I faced down this question: As I age, how will I fill my time and engage my mind and body?
Read MoreChange can be subtle until it’s profound.
Change can be beautiful the whole way through.
Change can be scary and worth it, and both can live in one season.
Read MoreWith Barbie, there emerged a more complicated relationship. She didn’t look like anything I witnessed in the strong flesh-and-blood women around me, and it’s only by some miracle that I didn’t start to body-shame myself. I know many others did in the years before we talked about concepts like the male gaze and how it distorts the way women view themselves. This sets impossible standards that maim and warp and cause real illnesses in both men and women and their relationships, however they come together. Especially in the first decade of Barbie’s existence, her white, white world left out everyone else, which matched reality, until the great movements of the late ‘60s and ‘70s caused Mattel, Barbie’s corporate owner, to succumb to the pressure to “show dolls more like me and my daughter”. I’ll get back to that in a minute.
Read MoreThe Moon represents intuition, emotion, deepest personal needs, feelings, reflection, instinctive reactions, and habits. The Moon is the mediator for the inner and outer world, holding space for our inner child and inner mother. While the Sun is logical, the Moon is all about the things you know without thought - instinct, gut feelings, intuition, hunches….
Read MoreThe Moon Salutation, known in Sanskrit as Chandra Namaskar, is a series of flowing asanas coordinated with your breath. In contrast to Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar), which build heat, Moon Salutations foster cooling.
Read MoreIn yogic tradition, mokṣa means freedom from saṃsāra, the endless cycle of life and death. Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, and Buddhism all view the attachments of our physical lives as limits to the ultimate goal - enlightenment. Each has different ideas as to how liberation is achieved…
Read MoreBy celebrating the summer solstice, we recognize and honor just how important the sun, and each day, is. Here are some ideas for how you might work with the energies of and honor the summer solstice yourself….
Read MoreThe lingering effects of this concussion force the Energizer Bunny to slow down and remind me of my True Self which aways craved quiet and stillness. I nap, listen to books, and more deeply embrace internal practices that support my healing.
Read MoreI walked out the front door of my Florida home, stepping into a sky-blue-bright day blazing with heat, only to find a chicken turtle clinging to the edge of my paver-patterned driveway. As I approached, thinking how much it looked like a painted turtle our children once raised, it appeared more lethargic than frightened.
Read MoreThink of a seed that has been hibernating through the long winter in the cold crusty earth waiting for just the right moment to reach upward through the soil toward the warmth of the life-giving sun to fulfill its life purpose, its dharma. This is the qi (life-force energy) of springtime….
Read MoreAs I really began to look around me, I became acutely aware that this moment was a gift. Its value would not be determined by the number of Facebook ‘Likes’ or the fact that I shared a photo with a friend across the country. This moment needed no outside validation. Nor did I, despite my habitual need to somehow capture it all and offer it up for public consumption.
Read MoreFinding ourselves surrounded by lions in the heart of Tanzania, we held our collective breath. Here’s what happened next – you can’t make this up – and what I learned from the experience.
Read More…my life was forever changed. The life-coaching program emphasizes tapping into your feminine side and women supporting women. These ideas led to being introduced to the concept of a Power Partner. A Power Partner is an intentional platonic friend who you support and who feels supported by you.
Read MoreInner wars and conflicts never pass without struggle. Whether the focus is on love, relationship, food, exercise, money, or anything else, once the inner struggle begins, we easily bog down, mired in the mud of indecision and inaction. Ask me: I’m expert on this one.
Read MoreOne day the question “What brings you alive?” caused her to sit up. Her immediate response was, “Not a doggone thing.“ With eyes brimming and a knot in her throat, she wondered, “When did I become so small? I need more! I want to LIVE!” she proclaimed aloud.
Read MoreIn the dark days of winter, around the Winter Solstice, we long for the light of the sun. Our wintertime traditions with stories of bright stars, traditions of Yule logs and candles, and decorating with twinkling lights all serve as reminders to look toward the coming light in all its forms.
Read MoreDuring this time of year, when we are reminded to pause and feel gratitude for our good fortunes and blessings, I realize that “thanksgiving” has not been an annual event for me in a very long time. The practice of yoga, mindfulness, and healing brings gratitude front and center – a daily pause kindled by the observation of life’s victories, no matter how small.
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