Marcia's Musings: Barbie Land

Marcia's Musings: Barbie Land

With Barbie, there emerged a more complicated relationship. She didn’t look like anything I witnessed in the strong flesh-and-blood women around me, and it’s only by some miracle that I didn’t start to body-shame myself. I know many others did in the years before we talked about concepts like the male gaze and how it distorts the way women view themselves. This sets impossible standards that maim and warp and cause real illnesses in both men and women and their relationships, however they come together. Especially in the first decade of Barbie’s existence, her white, white world left out everyone else, which matched reality, until the great movements of the late ‘60s and ‘70s caused Mattel, Barbie’s corporate owner, to succumb to the pressure to “show dolls more like me and my daughter”.  I’ll get back to that in a minute.

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The Magical Moon

The Magical Moon

The Moon represents intuition, emotion, deepest personal needs, feelings, reflection, instinctive reactions, and habits. The Moon is the mediator for the inner and outer world, holding space for our inner child and inner mother. While the Sun is logical, the Moon is all about the things you know without thought - instinct, gut feelings, intuition, hunches….

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Easing Into Downward Facing Dog

Because of its funny name, the Downward Facing Dog pose is one of the most well-known yoga postures. Even people who have never done yoga recognize it. You can find Downward Facing Dog in most yoga styles, which means you’ll see it in most yoga classes.

One of the reasons it’s so common is that Downward Facing Dog is an excellent posture for transitioning from one pose to another. It’s used so frequently that it’s considered a foundational pose in our modern yoga practice. That doesn’t mean it’s easy. If you’ve struggled with Downward Facing Dog or find the posture uncomfortable, read on to learn more.

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All About Beets

“The beet is the most intense of vegetables. The radish, admittedly, is more feverish, but the fire of the radish is a cold fire, the fire of discontent, not of passion. Tomatoes are lusty enough, yet there runs through tomatoes an undercurrent of frivolity. Beets are deadly serious.”

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The Moon Salutation

The Moon Salutation, known in Sanskrit as Chandra Namaskar, is a series of flowing asanas coordinated with your breath. In contrast to Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar), which build heat, Moon Salutations foster cooling.

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Marcia's Musings: When Anger Comes Calling

I want to be as truthful with you as I am able. Acknowledging my anger, exploring its roots, and deciding where and when to act feels good

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Discover the Calming Power of Acupuncture for Anxiety Relief

Anxiety can manifest in various forms, affecting our daily lives and overall well-being. I am excited to share with you, and shed light on, a natural and effective solution that has helped countless individuals find relief: acupuncture.

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True Freedom

True Freedom

In yogic tradition, mokṣa means freedom from saṃsāra, the endless cycle of life and death. Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, and Buddhism all view the attachments of our physical lives as limits to the ultimate goal - enlightenment. Each has different ideas as to how liberation is achieved…

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Matcha Cookies

Matcha Cookies

It’s easy to make matcha at home and start reaping its health benefits. It tastes earthy and grassy and can be consumed as a cup of tea or as a latte; both are delicious hot or cold. Matcha is a tasty ingredient in baked goods…

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Ayurvedic Summer Tips

Seasonal Ayurvedic practices focus on balancing by pacifying the dominant dosha and encouraging the others. The summer season is associated with pitta dosha. Pitta dosha, containing elements of fire and water, is known as the transformation dosha.

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Marcia's Musings: When Happiness Comes Calling

I’m happy. Right now, I can’t believe how often I am happy. The best news? I no longer wonder how long this joy will last or how to extend it. I’ve come to see that when I’m happy, I can just be in that happy place for however long it lasts.

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Summer Solstice: A Pause in the Circle

By celebrating the summer solstice, we recognize and honor just how important the sun, and each day, is. Here are some ideas for how you might work with the energies of and honor the summer solstice yourself….

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Chiropractic? You Can’t Be SERIOUS!

Chiropractic? You Can’t Be SERIOUS!

As it turns out, there is. Over the course of my treatment with Dr. Bob, my symptoms all but disappeared. Over the last twenty years, I’ve sought chiropractic care for other musculoskeletal injuries, not because the chiropractors made me come back, but because I feel so much better when I am adjusted regularly.  My experience as a patient was so profound, I became a chiropractor myself.  As I reflect on my chiropractic journey, bizarrely enough, I am grateful that I was rear-ended.

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Curtido - Probiotic, Spicy, and Easy!

Curtido is a Salvadoran fermented cabbage slaw, like sauerkraut, and with some kick. It is a tasty and healthy accompaniment to anything you might put cabbage on like tacos, enchiladas, pupusas, soups, brats, sandwiches, rice bowls, stir-fry dishes, and more. It's tangy and crunchy, and you can make it as spicy (or mild) as you like.  It’s quick and easy to prepare and keeps for months in the refrigerator, retaining its crunch and health benefits.  

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Marcia’s Musings: Measuring Life in Shovelfuls

Marcia’s Musings: Measuring Life in Shovelfuls

The lingering effects of this concussion force the Energizer Bunny to slow down and remind me of my True Self which aways craved quiet and stillness. I nap, listen to books, and more deeply embrace internal practices that support my healing.

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Welcoming the Age of Aquarius

Welcoming the Age of Aquarius

Ages shift gradually through time and space; therefore, when exactly the Age of Aquarius begins is an unanswerable question. It takes many years to make this gradual transition from one age to another, and no specific day and time can be marked. As we move through the big shift between two ages happening right now, the energetic effects are felt, seen, and experienced in the world.

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Marcia’s Musings: If You Want to Be Happy for the Rest of Your Life

I walked out the front door of my Florida home, stepping into a sky-blue-bright day blazing with heat, only to find a chicken turtle clinging to the edge of my paver-patterned driveway. As I approached, thinking how much it looked like a painted turtle our children once raised, it appeared more lethargic than frightened.

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Springtime: Sprout the Seed of Your Heart’s Desire

Think of a seed that has been hibernating through the long winter in the cold crusty earth waiting for just the right moment to reach upward through the soil toward the warmth of the life-giving sun to fulfill its life purpose, its dharma. This is the qi (life-force energy) of springtime….

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Marcia’s Musings: When Love and Loss Collide

Marcia’s Musings: When Love and Loss Collide

Of all the paired human emotions, love and loss cause the most challenge for me. As an only child raised and nurtured in the embrace of two warm and closely knit families, I dreaded the passage of time with its inevitable march toward separation caused by death….

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Personal Connection Versus Public Consumption

As I really began to look around me, I became acutely aware that this moment was a gift. Its value would not be determined by the number of Facebook ‘Likes’ or the fact that I shared a photo with a friend across the country. This moment needed no outside validation. Nor did I, despite my habitual need to somehow capture it all and offer it up for public consumption.

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