Energy + Massage
/Energy is the flow of information throughout the body.
If the flow of energy is blocked or restricted within any area of the body, there is a breakdown in the system, structures, and functions of the body. This process of decay happens not only because of physical constriction, but it also happens because of mental and emotional erosion as well.
Energy + Massage is a method of intelligent reorganization that reestablishes the optimal flow of information within the body. When a restricted area opens, it enables healing and restoration and promotes optimal physical health.
Benefits of Energy + Massage
Promotes a balanced state of being - physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually
Sense of calm within your nervous system
A body that feels aligned and receptive to moving freely
Awareness of feeling safe in the body
Newfound physical strength through system cooperation
Inner stability and resolve
Ease and willingness to relax into change
Jeanne says, “Energy is not seen, it is felt in the movement of it, and just like air, energy flow is vital to your survival.”
SoulBody Massage Provided By:
Are you ready to feel aligned, calm, and centered ?
Energy + Massage Pricing
Jeanne’s packages apply to her modalities of the same duration. See Jeanne’s bio page for all pricing options. Packages don’t apply to other service providers, do not include applicable sales tax, and must be used with 1 year from date of purchase.
60-minutes, $110 | 3-pack, $300
90-minutes, $150 | 3-pack, $420
120-minutes, $190 | 3-pack, $540