Soul Embodiment Energy Health & SoulBody Massage
/Embark on a journey of personal revelation.
Explore soulful sessions with our expert healer
Soul Embodiment Energy Health
The journey begins with a conversation about your heart’s true desire for your life and for your sessions. We progress, with each session, going deeper below surface conversation to a greater dialog of naked truth. In the process of Soul Embodiment we reveal the patterns, beliefs, and programing that may be compromising your life choices and experiences. When we shed light on the unconscious, we can live life more consciously.
You first learn to breath and release with ease and grace. You let go of the density of beliefs and perceptions that are the root causes of your pain, fear, anxiety, recurring thoughts, and chaotic emotions. Jeanne helps you find the devotion, determination, and courage needed to make real, lasting change.
Jeanne walks with you and helps you welcome a sense of lightness and spaciousness within your body, mind, and heart. The openness that you experience is an invitation to experience your soul directly to help align all elements of you - physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual - into cooperative whole.
The transformed patterns, programs, and beliefs form a new foundation and natural flow of living. The changes usher in the capacity to celebrate and live in a more harmonious way, creating a reality where you are living your joy and loving your life.
Clients report several benefits in Soul Embodiment sessions:
Feeling grounded and aligned in mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health
Relaxed and harmonious nervous system
Clarity of intention and focus
Organized and directed in purpose
Motivation to take action toward change
Felt sense of calm stability
Fortified inner confidence
Secure in preferences
Strength in the relationship and communication between the emotions of the soul and the thoughts of the body
Integrated awareness of your soul intelligence and body wisdom
Soul Embodiment is available in 90-minute sessions.
Soul Embodiment Pricing
Jeanne’s packages apply to her modalities of the same duration. See Jeanne’s bio page for all pricing options. Packages don’t apply to other service providers, do not include applicable sales tax, and must be used with 1 year from date of purchase.
90-minutes, $150 | 3-pack, $420
SoulBody Massage
A SoulBody session works on all levels of your being, combining massage, energy work, and a spiritual approach to coaching. Jeanne begins the session by guiding you in dialog about areas of your life that are calling for attention and focus. Some clients bring a desire for a new job or a new relationship. Some seek a change in habits, behaviors, or patterns. Some wish to resolve fears, change chaotic thought patterns, or release limiting beliefs.
Jeanne is an active listener and non-bias witness to your verbal exploration. From this neutral and compassionate space, she identifies points of disconnect, separation, and distortion which you may not be able to see fully or understand clearly. You may experience new perspectives and awareness in areas of your life that may not have been seen, heard, felt or acknowledged before.
As you and Jeanne work together you will come to an organic point in the verbalization part of the session that feels complete. Then, the combination of physical massage and energy work helps dissolve, align, and integrate into your body the wisdom and information that was verbally uncovered in the session.
Clients report the follow benefits of SoulBody massage:
Feeling balanced & aligned in mental - physical - emotional - spiritual health
Relaxed and calm nervous system
Clarity of intention and focus
Motivation to take action toward desired change
Felt sense of harmonious stability
Fortified inner confidence
Strengthen communication between emotions, soul, thoughts, and body
SoulBody Massage Pricing and Packages
120-minutes, $190 | 3-pack, $540
Jeanne’s packages apply to her modalities of the same duration. See Jeanne’s bio page for all pricing options. Packages don’t apply to other service providers, do not include applicable sales tax, and must be used with 1 year from date of purchase.
Energy + Massage
Energy is the flow of information throughout the body.
If the flow of energy is blocked or restricted within any area of the body, there is a breakdown in the system, structures, and functions of the body. This process of decay happens not only because of physical constriction, but it also happens because of mental and emotional erosion as well.
Energy + Massage is a method of intelligent reorganization that reestablishes the optimal flow of information within the body. When a restricted area opens, it enables healing and restoration and promotes optimal physical health.
Benefits of Energy + Massage:
Promotes a balanced state of being - physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually
Sense of calm within your nervous system
A body that feels aligned and receptive to moving freely
Awareness of feeling safe in the body
Newfound physical strength through system cooperation
Inner stability and resolve
Ease and willingness to relax into change
Jeanne says, “Energy is not seen, it is felt in the movement of it, and just like air, energy flow is vital to your survival.”
Energy + Massage Rates and Packages
60-minutes, $110 | 3-pack, $300
90-minutes, $150 | 3-pack, $420
120-minutes, $190 | 3-pack, $540
Jeanne’s packages apply to her modalities of the same duration. See Jeanne’s bio page for all pricing options. Packages don’t apply to other service providers, do not include applicable sales tax, and must be used with 1 year from date of purchase.