Celebrating the Season with Crystals & Stones

Winter Solstice fast approaches. We of the northern hemisphere celebrate December 21, the shortest day and the longest night of the year and one that marks the changing of the seasons.  The Solstice, deeply embedded into our psyches, calls to us with ancient echoes of meaning. It invites us to celebrate with special gatherings, by playing and communing in the snow and cold and by warming ourselves by the crackling fires, sometimes throwing intentions into the flames to clear the way for the New Year.


As we enter into winter and the holiday season, beginning with Thanksgiving, we shift to the hustle and bustle of diverse observances from Diwali to Hannukah to Kwanzaa to Christmas.  


We raced into the post-Thanksgiving Friday shopping, delight in getting our decorations up – from wreaths to candle to tress, and oh, let’s not forget the magic of the twinkling outdoor light displays that so warm our hearts. Those bright and shiny bulbs represent one of the most innate desires of humans – the yearning for the return of the light.


Sometimes with the busyness of the holiday season we neglect opportunities to rest and reflect upon what the Winter Solstice and winter can offer us: a time to draw inward. Nature shows us the way as the animals hibernate and plant life goes dormant.  As the earth quiets, we can take time to appreciate the beauty of winter, nourish our bodies and mind with self-care, reflect on the past year, and contemplate new beginnings by setting intentions for the coming year.


Crystals and stones can lend support and provide energetic balance during this time. [Note: The terms stone and crystal are used interchangeably throughout this article. Crystals are stones specifically with a crystalline structure.] Each stone has a unique molecular structure and vibration, one created as the stone forms. It is the vibrational frequency of the stone that gives each its properties. Similar to the way essential oils and aromatherapy work, the vibrational frequency of our bodies and minds can harmonize with those of the stones, changing how we feel, clearing energetic blockages, shifting our thinking, and more. Simply by keeping crystals or stones near us, wearing them, or holding them we can harmonize with their vibrations and feel their effects. Following is a list of stones and crystals that may be especially useful this time of year.

  • Black onyx is used in many traditions for grounding and protection. It is useful in helping us to understand what motivates us and gives us willpower, focus, and strength to keep us moving toward our goals.  Black onyx relates to the root chakra, our chakra of home, grounding, and physical well-being.

  • Hematite is another stone with strong qualities of grounding and protection. As its name implies, it relates to the blood and is good for circulation, which may become sluggish at this time of year. It, too, is related to the root chakra and influences our sense of security.

  • Rose quartz offers unconditional love for ourselves and others and helps us release what no longer serves us. Rose quartz is a heart chakra stone and brings all of the properties of being heart-centered – compassion, connection, peace, and healing.

  • Snowflake obsidian illuminates the dark side of our wholeness and helps us find balance between light and dark during the long nights of winter. This stone helps with inner reflection, allowing things to rise from within, be addressed, and then put to rest.

  • Snow quartz symbolizes clarity and reminds us of the purity of winter. It brings us peaceful and tranquil energy by connecting us to our crown chakra and connecting us to our spirit guides.

  • Ruby is a stone of passion, prosperity, and protection. It helps us manifest intentions for the upcoming New Year. It is like a fire burning in the darkness, releasing all that does not serve us and igniting our inner fire. It stimulates the root and sacral chakras.

  • Garnet is a stone that is referred to in the Bible and in ancient Greek texts. It was said to have been the only light on Noah’s Ark, symbolizing the hope that there was a new horizon at the end of a great struggle.  Garnet guides us use our energy to create a new life and to complete our goals with strength and courage.


Choosing a stone or crystal, and deciding how to use it, is simple and intuitive. You might select a stone by holding it and noticing how it feels in your hands. It may catch your eye from across the room. You may feel drawn to it in an inexplicable way. Trust your instinct and don’t overthink it.


As you build your collection, you may notice that the stones you are drawn to change with the season, your emotions, and life events.


There are many ways in which you can use your crystals:

  • Hold them during meditation

  • Place them on or near your yoga mat during a practice (be cautious using rough stones or stones with sharp edges)

  • Carry them in your pocket for support throughout the day

  • Use them to decorate your living and work spaces

  • Nestle them in your plants (make sure they are water safe as softer stones may be damaged by exposure to water)


Crystals and stones can be a lovely way to honor yourself throughout the cold, dark winter season by helping you relax, rejoice, and ground in the intention of moving through the season with peace and ease.


Green Lotus retail boutiques carry a selection of crystals, stones, and gemstone jewelry.

Stop in and find your perfect stone!


Learn more about crystals and stones


Suzie fell in love with yoga in 2017 and received her RYT 200 yoga teacher-training certification in 2018 and her RYT 500 advanced certification in 2022, both at Green Lotus. She became a Reiki Master in 2019. Her love of rocks began in childhood and led her to study the healing properties of crystals. She encourages her students to take time to nurture their souls and use crystals as a tool.