A Gift For You and For You to Share
/ GL AdminsCelebrity chef Giada DeLaurentis said, “Food brings people together on many different levels. It’s nourishment of the soul and body; it’s truly love.” We whole-heartedly agree, which is why we share our favorite recipes with you throughout year. Whether we share our family recipes, our own creations, riffs on classics, or recipes informed by traditional medicine, our hope is that our recipes and food stories provide nourishment of both body and soul. They are sent with love and warm wishes.

This holiday season we’re sharing some of the “golden-oldie” favorites from the 15-year history of Green Lotus to provide ideas for your holiday parties and family gatherings.
Recipe for Gratitude
This deeply nourishing recipe can be enjoyed by anyone, regardless of special diets, food allergies, or personal tastes. We offer it in gratitude and find the ingredients listed below to be the elixir of a joyful and abundant life.

A quiet space
A comfortable seat
Your body
Your breath
Your mind
Your heart
A journal (optional)
Prepare your space. Find a quiet space where you can sit comfortably, undisturbed. Sit quietly for a few moments, bringing your attention to your breath.
You may practice pranayama (a breath practice) to prepare yourself if you’d like. Sama Vritti (Equal Breathing), Nadi Shodhanam (Alternate Nostril Breathing), or any other calming breath are excellent choices, or simply observe the breath until you feel your body and mind become quiet.
Bring to mind the things in nature that you are thankful for – trees, the ocean, butterflies....
When your mind becomes still again, bring to mind things for which you are grateful – your home, treasured items or heirlooms, a favorite article of clothing, your garden....
When your mind becomes still again, bring to mind the people in your life for whom you are grateful – friends, family, coworkers, the UPS or USPS driver who deliver your packages, the family that makes sure your newspaper arrives - anyone who elicits gratitude....
When your mind becomes still again, bring to mind the things about YOU for which you are grateful – your body, your strength, your resliency, your compassion, your humor....
When your mind becomes still again, open your eyes and share your gratitude in your journal, a social-media post, or a note or call to someone who would appreciate sharing in your gratitude.
Repeat daily as needed.
This recipe is enhanced when you invite others to participate with you....