Healthy Snacking on the Go: Lori's Tips for Your Travel Adventures

By Lori Kampa — Last Updated: August 12, 2024


Summer is coming to an end, and with it, many of us, including myself, are preparing for the school-year routine. Whether you're driving kids to school or sports, rushing between meetings, or heading to yoga class, one challenge we face is eating healthily on the go. I know how tempting it can be to reach for convenience food and mindlessly eat on the go, so I wanted to share some tips on packing nutritious snacks that keep us (and our kids) feeling great and energized throughout our journeys. Plus, I’ve got a super-tasty recipe for Chocolate Cashew Bliss Balls that you’ll want to make again and again. 

Nuts & Seeds: A mix of nuts and seeds is my non-negotiable travel buddy. Almonds, walnuts, and cashews bring crunch and energy thanks to their healthy fats and proteins, while sunflower and pumpkin seeds add some fiber to keep you full. They're a breeze to carry in your bag or munch on in the car. 


Trail Mix: Trail mix is the ultimate classic snack. You can buy it or get creative and mix your own. I like to throw together my favorite nuts, some seeds, dried fruits, and a handful of dark chocolate chips for that sweet kick. It’s fun, customizable, and so satisfying. 

Hard-Boiled Eggs: For a solid protein fix, you can't beat hard-boiled eggs. Prep them ahead, pack a couple, and you're all set for high-energy snacking. They’re perfect for those drives during lunch to run errands, to get to the next meeting, on car trips, or for getting  kids to school. 


Fruits & Vegetables: Fresh fruits and crunchy veggies are refreshing, especially on a warm day. I always pack apples, berries, or grapes for a natural sugar rush and munch on carrots or cucumber slices when I’m in the mood for something crisp. Dip them in a little hummus or guacamole, and you’ve got yourself a mini feast. 


Protein Bars: When things get hectic, a good protein bar can be a lifesaver. Choose bars with clean ingredients and not too much sugar. They're a quick way to refuel and keep the adventure going. 


And don’t forget to drink lots of water. Staying hydrated is crucial, especially when you're out and about. 


Now, about those Chocolate Cashew Bliss Balls, I promised – they're a dream for any health-conscious sweet tooth and perfect for on-the-go snacking. Here’s how you make them: 


  • 16 dates, pitted and soaked for at least 4 hours 

  • 2 cups raw cashews or cashew butter 

  • 3 TB 100% maple syrup or raw honey 

  • 2 tsp vanilla extract 

  • 4 TB raw cacao powder 

  • 1 TB hemp seeds 


  • ½ cup hemp seeds 

  • 1½ cups unsweetened shredded coconut 


  1. In a food processor, blend all ingredients (except for the coating) until smooth. 

  2. Mix the shredded coconut and hemp seeds on a plate or in a shallow bowl for the coating. 

  3. Roll the mixture into small balls with your hands, then roll them in the coconut/hemp mix. 

  4. Place the balls on a plate lined with parchment paper and refrigerate until firm. 

  5. Store in an airtight container and enjoy for up to a week or freeze a batch for later. 


As someone deeply immersed in the worlds of yoga and wellness, integrating practices that nourish the body and soul are essential to me. These snacks and the mindset behind them reflect a life focused on wellness and balance. 

Here’s to a fall filled with good health, great vibes, and delicious snacks!  

Practice or study with Lori

Lori Kampa Kearney is a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Wellness Educator, and 200-hour-certified yoga instructor. She has been teaching yoga since 2014 and specializes in vinyasa power yoga, gentle yoga, and chair yoga. As a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Lori teaches busy professional women how to stay energized, reduce fatigue, improve brain clarity and overall health, and revitalize their outlook on life. Lori helps women over 40 who struggle with anxiety, depression, divorce, and/or pain in their bodies to feel better physically and mentally and to connect to everything around them mindfully. Using the principles of clean eating, self-care, and mindfulness, she helps her clients take the mystery out of eating well and have fun making the transition to a healthier lifestyle. Lori facilitates wellness workshops at Green Lotus that dive into reducing stress, kicking sugar, detoxifying the body, learning secrets to sleep, and so much more.